Category: Software/Tech

  • JSLitmus – A Tool For Testing JavaScript Performance

  • Correction: Web 2.0 Sucks For Reviews

    There’s an interesting phenomenon taking place lately that I find a bit disturbing. It has to do with how consumers are leveraging their newly discovered online powers of opinion. In principle, I think empowering people by given them tools to communicate with one another is a good thing – people should be able to be…

  • Javascript UUID Function

    [UPDATE – 1/3/2010: For the latest/greatest implementation of a JavaScript UUID function, please check out my node-uuid project.  Any future improvements/enhancements to this code will be made there.] [UPDATE – 9/1/2011: ‘Seeing reports of UUID collisions in the wild.  Johannes Baagoe has a write up on why Math.random() can’t be trusted.  I’m not entirely sure…

  • How To: SMC Barricade 7004WBR + HP-5MP + MacOSX

    I’ve written previously about my HP-5MP printer. One of the things I love about it is that I’ve been able to get it to work with every computer I’ve ever had in my house – PC, Mac, Linux, you name it. Not only that, but for probably the last 8 years, I’ve been able to…

  • Mutual attraction authentication

    “Hi, this is Mark from Experian. We’re calling to update your contact information…” That’s how I was greeted when I answered the phone just now. This was nominally someone from one of the big 3 credit reporting agencies calling to make sure they had current contact information for their database. Harmless enough, right? Well… probably.…