Pimpin’ the Crib!
Done! $200 worth of soft maple, 100-150 hours of work, a couple custom carvings by yours truly, topped with three coats of tung oil finish… I’m darn pleased with the result. It turned out much better than it had any right to (especially the carvings, since this is the first time I’ve tried my hand…
First Father’s Day
Dashiell is asleep on the couch. Roni too, in spite of the pent up energy that comes from not having had enough exercise. Chris is listening to music while puttering in the kitchen, getting dinner ready. Me, I sit here typing, playing back my first Father’s Day as a dad. For whatever reason the day…
Binky. Subversive Dictionary. Stroller.
Dashiell and his binky, BFF! • • • My First Dictionary is deliciously subversive – Disney meets Dennis Miller. Chris may be unpleasantly surprised at the reading material Dashiell gets for his birthday in a year or two. • • • We went to a garage sale on Friday, looking for a canoe. The canoe…
A Rug-Rat Update
Dashiell continues to grow – weighing in at 12.8lbs (clothed) yesterday. We tried a cloth diaper for the first time last night, before going to bed. We changed a [soaked] cloth diaper for the first time upon waking up. We also changed the [soaked] outfit he was wearing. If it also soaked the bed sheets…
Life is Good
Dashiell Robert Kieffer 8.44 lbs, 21″, Born March 27, 9:54pm. Life’s good, friends. Life is very good.